CASAS Assessment. CASAS (Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment Systems, Virginia. 2016)
Montessori Lower Elementary Certification (North American Montessori Center. 2008)
Pre-K and Kindergarten Montessori Certification (World Montessori Institute, Atascadero, CA. 2001)
Masters in Comparative Cultural Studies (International Islamic University Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 2000)
Bachelors in Social and Cultural Studies (University of Constantine, Algeria. 1995)
Halimah Abdul-Mateen, – Assistant Principal –
Sameen Rafi, Finance Manager
Sarah Mahdawi, Front Desk Manager
Olya Mariam: Middle/High English Literature and Language Arts; AP Seminar 10
Education: BA – Masters degree in English Literature, Postgraduate diploma in English Language Teaching, Virginia state certified teacher with an endorsement in English, working on a graduate degree in Technical Writing
Usamah Townsend: Middle/High Sciences
Education: BS – Science ; Biology Degree, State Certified Teacher of Biological Sciences, Certification in Diversity Awareness Training
Sumaila Moeen Khan: Upper School Social Studies
Education: Postgraduate in Education, Bachelors in Economics and Civics
Doctorate in Islamic Studies – Concentration Tafsir and Hadith Sciences
‘Ijāzah in Tafsīr, ‘Ijāzah in Six Works of Hadīth. ‘Ijāzah in al-’Ahādīt al-Musalsalāt
‘Ulūm al-Qira’āt (Sciences of Variant Recitations) – al-‘Ashrah al-Sughrah (Ten Variant Readings of Qur’ān – Currently Learning from Two Different Schools)
Shahādah in Nahw and Sarf
Tajwīd: Matn Tuḥfatul ‘Aṭfāl, al-Muqadimah al-Jazariyyah Qasidah al-Khāqāniyyah Shātabiyah
‘Ilm al-Waqf (Science of Pausing and Stopping in Recitation)
المدخل إلیٰ علم الوقف والإبتداء ومعہ تسہیل الإھتِدَاء فی الوقف والإبتداءِ – al-Mudkhal ‘ila ‘Ilm al-Waqf wa al-’Ibtidā wa Ma’a Tashīl
علم الضبط – ‘Ilm al-Dhabt
علم الرسم – ‘Ilm Al-Rasm
The Evolution of Islamic Thought and Theology Publication : Attribution of Teachers and Students regarding Success and Failure of the Students, at Upper Primary Level” in Private Schools.
Siddiqah Mujahid: 6th and 7th Math; 8th, 9th Language Arts; Academic Counselor; Student Council Lead
Education: Bachelors of Psychology, Minor in Chemistry, Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing
Zain Ramadan: 8th, 9th, 10th 11th MATH: Algebra I , Algebra II, Geometry and Pre-Calc
Education: Degree in Computer Information systems and Business Administration. Completing degree from VSU from School of Science.
Wafa Ben – Said, Quran Memorization teacher : Upper School,Tafseer and Seerah / Upper School & Qur’an Department Lead
Education: Ejaza with Sanad (Riwayat Hafs an Assim )from MIshkah University USA //Riwayat Qaloun and Warsh an Nafea from a Tunisian (Institute),Tajweed Level 1 and 2 from and Nourania Certificates (English Language) from Noorani Learning Center ,Nourania Certificate (Arabic Language ) from Al Furqan Center , كتاب الموطأ,كتاب الفقه على المذاهب الأربعة) فقه , متن الجزرية و تحفة الأطفال و علم الوقف و الإبتداء ,علم المواريث ) , Bachelor dgree in Computer Science /2nd year Master degree (Computer Science) //Robotic Training Certificate
Sheikh Tanveer Shahid, Arabic Reading and Recitation
Education: Hafiz-e-Quran; Al-Noor’ania certified; Currently seeking Ijazh in Quran
Hiba Alsalehi, Quranic Grammar / Arabic Upper School
Education: BA from University of Baghdad
Amira Alsalehi, Conversational Arabic // KG – 5th and Islamic Studies KG – 5th
Education: Fine Arts Degree and Nooraniya certified
Sumaila Moeen Khan, Upper School Islamic Studies and Islamic Studies Department Lead
Education: (See Upper School Notations Above)
Mounira El Khayat, SIP, Head of Arabic Teachers, I.S Curriculum Specialist
Education: Bachelor of Fine Arts, Major in Interior Architecture. Arabic and Islamic sciences (Tafseer, Seerah, Aqidah, and Fiqh)
Amel Baa: Co-Teacher KG
Education: Completing Art Education Degree
Samar Maqshar: First Grade Assistant
Education: Bachelors in English Minor in Philosophy of Law
Education: Bachelors and Masters in Early Childhood Ed/Completing 2nd Masters in Curriculum and Instruction
Education: BS from Georgetown University; MS – Johns Hopkins University
Education: BS and MPH from University of Massachusetts Amherst; Montessori certification- Houston Montessori Center
Reguia Seffah: PK 3-4 Teacher/Montessori, Qur’an, Culture and Islamic Studies
Education: Early Childhood Education; Nooraniya Certified
Monique Orr: Co-Teacher