Al Madina students are committed to being responsible citizens to all communities in Richmond. At Al Madina we place huge emphasis on Community Service for our students. Our School program requires students to choose and execute a community service project as a means to learn the value of donating their time for the good of others, develop organizational and leadership skills and be a role model for other students. It is critical for our youth to put time and effort in volunteering as this will help shape their personalities with well-rounded education.
Some of the community service activities/programs our students participate in are:
Our students organize a canned food drive campaign. This effort is kicked off with marketing activities like publishing of posters in community bulletin boards and distribution of flyers. They choose a central location where donations are collected. Donated food are then dispersed to local food banks in Richmond.
In our recycling program, students visit a local recycling center to learn how materials are recycled in the community. They identify any areas within the community that could benefit from improvements to their recycling program and examine the practices and procedures at our school to see if changes can be made to improve its recycling program. After they collect the necessary data, they brainstorm ways that recycled materials can be used within our community, plan a way to use recycled paper materials, and organize a collection of these materials. They include an educational presentation to help community members learn about the benefits of recycling paper materials.
One of our parents leads the beautification project. As part of this effort, the students participate in a beautification drive and cleanup of community mosques. Students enlist the help of volunteer students and adults to help pick up trash in the facilities and within our own school. The team organizes themselves into smaller groups with an assigned adult supervisor. The organizing student body provides gloves and trash bags, and choose a day to work to clean up the school or community.